New Monthly Letter
walking around Brussels on last night there
Adding a second tier to the Fortress.
Fortress – Standard is $50/year and includes the monthly letters and any focus pieces written behind the paywall.
An excerpt from May’s letter is below for free.
Fortress – Unlimited includes all the letters, private discord, and the library.
If this isn’t your thing, no sweat, you’ll still get the free dispatches occasionally and I won’t email you again about this.
So what’s in the letter?
First one is fairly lengthy, 28 pages. Letter is divided into three sections:
Investment Updates – go over all holdings this month, in future letters if nothing changes on the investment, will just say no changes and reference May 2023 letter.
Lifestyle – this month discussing Argentina red stag hunt and wines, and a find from Caymus Vineyards.
Closing Thoughts -anything I’ve seen throughout the month which I thought was interesting, could be articles, charts, videos, observations from places I’ve traveled that month.
This month covers thoughts from trip to Africa, why I think removing physical barriers between NATO and Russia is a terrible idea based on history, and 150 years of data on how if globally diversified, earned 7%.
Here is the excerpt, the Closing Thoughts section – PDF.
If you like it, can learn more and sign up here
Have a great summer and I’ll see you out there.